Introduction – Digital Payment Services and Financial Reporting Obligations Digital payment services like those offered by PayPal, which are used to facilitate money transfers domestically and internationally, are now well-integrated into our personal and professional lives. Whether your PayPal account is used for genuine commercial purposes, however, or for...
T1135s, Beneficial Ownership of Property, and Chan v The Queen: A Canadian Tax Lawyer’s Case Comment
Introduction – T1135s and Beneficial Ownership The Canadian Income Tax Act requires that Canadian tax residents who own “specified foreign property” with a cost of $100,000 or more in Canadian dollars file an annual Foreign Income Verification Statement, or “T1135”, with that year’s tax return. Specified foreign property as...
Penalties Canada’s tax statutes contain various penalties that seek to curb non-compliance. A gross-negligence penalty aims to punish a taxpayer whose conduct “involves a high degree of negligence tantamount to intentional acting, an indifference as to whether the law is complied with or not”: Venne v R., 84 DTC...
Merrill v R – tax guidance from an experienced Canadian tax lawyer with respect to failure to file tax returns In 2019, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) served Mr. Merrill with Notices of Requirement to file his personal income tax returns for the 2014 to 2017 taxation years by...